운전자보험순수보장형 교통사고 일반상해 접촉사고 스쿨존

by 밝은누리 보험센터



Real-time database linkage allows you to check anytime, anywhere!Auto insurance is compulsory.Driver insurance is optional. HoweverA traffic accident occurs and due to criminal responsibilityEconomic expenditure can result,To relieve that burdenIt is better to purchase driver insurance.Driving means that I always driveI think youre doing well, but on the roadDrivers with long experience are no exception.So before you have an accident,Provides confidence through driver insuranceI recommend it.Civil liability in handling traffic accidents is car insurance,Criminal and administrative liability is not covered by driver insurance.As a guarantee, so you can sign up for bothIt is better.If you have an accident due to your own negligence,If that resulted in even loss of life,You can be held criminally liable.In this case, through driver insuranceThe related costs can be compensatedVery useful.Driver insurances fines are guaranteed by actual subscribers.Depending on the amount you have to pay if you are finedThe amount of coverage is determined. Usually the fine isI was charging up to 20 million won,Recently, up to 30 million won due to the civil lawYou can get a fine, so even driver insuranceIts a good idea to keep it to the right limit.